Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Wedding Blog

Lance and I have tried a few different sites to host our main wedding website. We really couldn't find one that was just perfect for us, so we decided to start another blog! You can visit our new wedding blog here. Not all of our family and friends will be in California as the planning continues so this will help keep everybody updated on the events and stresses of our upcoming big day. I want to be able to journal this wedding planning journey so when we have children, I can print it out and tell them to elope! I kid I kid!!! I'm having a great time planning and everything is coming along great so far.

We would like to thank everybody again for their support and help as we plan this wedding. We definitely could not do it without all of you! Love, Suzanne

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Baseball

Is there really anything else to do during the summer but go to baseball games? I think not! The Angels were out of town a few weeks ago so Cat invited me to a Dodger game. I normally go to at least one or two Dodger games a year since they are fun, but not nearly as fun as Angel games!

Cat was given some awesome tickets right behind home plate and I was not about to turn those down! We met at my Mom and Dads house and practically bathed in sun screen since it was a Sunday afternoon game. When we got to the stadium the temperature on my car said it was 95 degrees.

Here are a few pictures from the game!

This picture below is of myself and Cat sitting in our "fake" seats. See, when we got to the game we had tickets for the seats directly behind the row we are sitting in. You can see, them over our shoulders. Yep, that's them, in the shade! I was so excited, but my 'I want to sit in the sun and get burned sister of mine' wasn't so excited. So after some whining and begging and some more whining, I moved up a row with her. So to put into perspective how hot it was that day check out the very first picture on this page. Look at the guy in the pinkish/reddish shirt behind me (I'm in the green). He looks a little hot! The seat behind us is also important because at one point we had a foul ball come our way. We had seen a few balls heading our direction over the course of the game, but this one was coming right at us. Where did it land? In the seat Cat made me move from. I couldn't believe it! It could have been my first foul ball at a baseball game. I've been to a million games over my life time and have never caught a foul ball or a home run ball. This was my chance, but it bounced in my empty seat and into the next row. Cat swears I would have never caught it even if I was sitting there which is not true at all! I know I would have caught that ball! hahahahaha

We had a great time at the game and the Dodgers even won!!!

Ok, this next picture trips me out. Can you guess who is who? On our way back to my car I wanted to take a picture of us in front of the Think Blue sign. After we took it I started laughing because we look so much alike even I did a double take! I know I know, we are twins so of course we look alike, but most of the time we look different, at least I think we do!

Well the game was a blast and we retired our Dodger hats until next year.....unless we get some more great tickets, then we'll pull them out of retirement!

The Accident

So, a few weeks ago (on Rachel's birthday actually) my Dad was driving to work as he has for the last 38 years. Dad has worked at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant since long before I was born! And for as long as I can remember he's been leaving the house before the sun comes up.

July 30, 2008 was no different. He made his coffee, ate some breakfast and was on the road to start his 39 mile one way journey. He was traveling down the 5 South in the fast lane (going the speed limit I'm sure!! hahaha) when he noticed a 2 gallon gas can sitting in the middle of the lane. It fell off of a truck/car driving in front of him and he had no time to try to swerve and avoid it. One would hope that when he hit it, it would just bounce off and leave a dent. Sure, he would have been upset. He loves his car, he takes great care of it and who would want a big gas can size dent in their car??? But, I think he would have traded the dent for what he got. This.....

When Dad's car hit the gas can unfortunately it got wedged underneath his car and wouldn't come off. At one point he said he looked in his rearview mirror and saw a line of flames following him down the fast lane because the fuel was leaking out. He pulled over to the emergency lane and tried for a minute or so to dislodge the gas can. Driving back and forth just trying to get it to come off so he could try to keep his car from completely burning up. No such luck that gas can was not coming off no matter how hard he tried. When the flames reached his side mirrors he decided it was time to get out of the car. Now, one might be asking, why the heck was he in the car long enough to watch the flames come up to the side mirrors! I said the same thing. I would have been out of that car the second I saw the flames in my rearview mirror. He's a stubborn man what can I say!?!?!?!

The fire department came and put the fire out. They had to use a 2x4 to pry the gas can off of the car. You can see the gas can in the 3rd picture on the upper right hand side. It's pretty unrecognizable!

Somehow, my Dad remained calm enough to get all of his personal things out of the car which is something that probably would not have crossed my mind! I still can't believe he was still driving the car while it was on fire!

We all got a present on Rachel's birthday this year and that present was that my Dad was OK. A little frazzeled after the whole ordeal but OK nontheless. He gave us a good scare that's for sure. Oh, and he made the news! My Mom was watching the news that morning when they reported a car fire on the 5 South. It's not the claim to fame he really wanted though!

He won't tell us how much longer he's going to make his drive to San Onofre, but if he keeps pulling Hollywood stunts like this I may go sign his retirement papers for him!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

I just wanted to say happy birthday to the best mom in the world! Now that we have a blog we can write about all kinds of stuff so why not tell the ones we love how we feel? Mom, you have always supported me in everything I do no matter if you agreed or not! You have always given me the kind of advice that has helped me become the person I am today. Although I may be a little far from home you can always know I am not really that far away. I hope you had a great day and enjoy the rest of your time in Vegas!! Lance

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Layout

Ok, kind of gilry I know, but it's such a pretty purple! =) I figured Lance rarely updates this blog so I'll call it my own and add a little purple to our page......ok a LOT of purple!!! I got the idea from Stephanie's cool page and now I'm addicted to all the cool layouts they have out there.

Hopefully more postings to come, things have just been very dull around our neck of the woods which is how we like it! I've been working 7 days a week for the past month now so we haven't had too much time to do anything exciting.

Hope everyone is doing well! Love, Suzanne