Sunday, April 25, 2010

1st Year Anniversary

Today is our 1 year anniversary! WOW! I can't believe it was 365 days ago I said "I do" to the love of my life! This year has flown by and we really have had great time. 365 days ago we were doing this......

I loved April 25, 2009. I had one of the greatest days ever! That day was so full of love and fun I wish I could have bottled all that love up and keep it forever and ever!

Today was pretty low key since we are going to be heading to the Grand Canyon and Vegas soon to celebrate our 1 year anniversary! For my anniversary present Lance got me hiking boots!

Since we will be hiking in the Grand Canyon, I needed some new footwear and Lance bought me these lovely things. There really is nothing more unattractive then hiking boots, but they are a necessary evil and I do actually love them!

I decided to do something unique for Lance's gift and have some figurines of our family made.

I found this artist on Etsy who makes these awesome wood/clay figurines and I knew I had to have one made for our family. When we have kids we will be able to have her make them on the remaining N, O or L so that we can just keep adding until our family is complete! Of course our kids will have to be decked out in Angel gear too! I just love the little figurine of Murphy. The artist did such a great job of capturing Murphy's look. I just love our little NOWELL people!

We didn't have to worry about freezing the top of our cake last year because our bakery gave us a free cake for our 1st anniversary!

We had a little bit tonight and it was super yummy! I ordered the one with the raspberry filling since neither Lance or myself got to eat any of the cake on our wedding day except for the little piece we cut together.

I was out training this morning (I will explain at a later date what I'm training for) and I got a text from Lance that said 'Go babe Go'! Just what I needed to keep me going. Then I got home and found these waiting for me.

Yellow flowers! Does it get any better than that?!?!!?! My husband is awesome! And I love him so much!

Happy Anniversary Lance! I hope we have at least 60 more! :)


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Training

After we returned home from Morro Bay, we thought we didn't have anything planned until our San Diego trip in March. Well, that changed quickly when we realized every weekend of Spring Training except for one was booked for us. Luckily that one weekend we had free was our approaching 3 day weekend and we decided we would travel to Arizona to see our boys in red play some Spring Training baseball! We were watching the weather and one day it would say it was going to rain in Phoenix that weekend we wanted to go then the next day it would say sunny. We finally decided 2 days before we left for that trip that we were going to go. I'm not normally so spur of the moment. Spontaneous is not my middle name so it was driving me crazy with yes were were not....yes we are. The weather held off though so we hit the road. We had a great drive out to Phoenix on our off Friday and even got there for the Friday Angel game at Diablo. Lance had never seen an Angel game at Diablo so I was so excited he was able to finally see a game there!We didn't buy tickets before hand to this game because we weren't sure we were actually going to make it to the game in time. But alas, we made it on time and we bought some phenomenal tickets!Oh ya! Nice and close! We were about 8 rows back! We were actually very close to Mr. Arte Moreno himself! Arte is the owner of the Angels for those that aren't familiar with the Angel organization.The beard is new this season for him, and we are doing awful so I think it's time he get rid of it! :)

Here are some other pictures Lance took during the game.

My in-laws drove out from Tucson on Saturday to catch a game with us as well. We loved being able to see them! Some how though we didn't get any pictures of them. But I swear they were there!! :) We had really good seats for that game as well! And we were in the shade the whole game! Bonus!!

Check out Oakland's catcher. He's practically standing up waiting to catch the high heat to Napoli. I'm sure Napoli fell for it and struck out! *He's Cat's favorite and has not been so impressive this year!*

We had a lovely quick trip to Arizona and even though I'm not a spur of the moment type of girl I'm really glad we went! We lost both games we watched, but I think that's just the type of season the Angels are going to have this year. Oh well, chalk it up to a rebuilding year!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Finishing Our Hearst Castle Trip

Well I'm finally getting around to doing the final post to our Heart Castle trip.....which we took in February! hahaha Opps! We've just been so busy but a good busy! Work has been insanely busy but we sure are keeping up with the motto "work hard, play harder!"

So, to continue on from the previous posts, after we left the castle on our final tour, Wendy had mentioned she wanted to find this beach with seals that a co-worker told her about. We headed away from the castle and it didn't take us long to figure out which beach she was talking about.
The beach was covered with these things! During one of the Hearst Castle tours they said on a clear day you can see this beach from the top of the hill and it looks like the beach is covered in driftwood. It was a pretty interesting thing to see all these seals cover the beach.

This picture does not do justice of how big this guy was. He was HUGE and LOUD! Good thing there were no houses in the area that could hear these guys. They only bothered each other!

After we checked out the seals on the beach we headed over for the sunset and to check out Morro Rock.

We had an absolutely wonderful time in Morro Bay. We finally got to see a great sunset on our last night there thanks to the storm passing through. I'm really glad Wendy came with us. I really don't get to spend enough time with her anymore so now when I do I make sure I really really cherish it!
