Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Happy Holidays! How has this year gone by so fast? It seems like we were just getting married and now, we've been married 8 months already. Wow! Time sure does fly when you're having fun!

This holiday season was a little bit different for us because we both have shut down this year! Since Lance is now working with me at Northrop Grumman we both get to enjoy December 24th-January 4th off of work! How exciting! We ended up spending Christmas Eve with the Crist's in California and then headed East to spend Christmas Day with the Nowell's in Tucson.

This Christmas is extra special because the 2 Nowell boys and their beautiful wives (he he he) will all be in Tucson at the same time. It will also be little Ella's first Christmas and we are so very excited we will be able to spend it with her.

We had a wonderful time with my family on Christmas Eve opening presents and having a wonderful dinner. My parents got me a new camera for my birthday but they gave it to me early so that I could bring it to Tucson with me. That's why I only have a few pictures from our Christmas to show!

I'm not drinking two glasses of champagne! I'm holding Lance's I promise!! I am guilty of being dorky with a bow on my head! Everyone does it right?? hahahaha

Lance was playing with all the different settings turning Cat and Rachel black and white!

Early on Christmas day we loaded up the car, gave Murphy big kisses and told her we would see her soon and headed off to Arizona. We didn't hit any traffic but we did have to slow up in Phoenix because they have these horrible cameras that are on the freeway that clock your speed, take your picture and send you a ticket. Lovely. So, the speed limit we went! =)
When we made it to Tucson we had a lovely dinner that was made by Sherry and then opened presents!

These next few pictures are pictures Lance took while messing around with all the cool new settings our new camera has! *Thanks for the camera mom and dad we love it!!!*

I'm just absolutely in love with this little girl! She's perfect!

We are in Arizona for a few more days so I'm sure I will have more pictures to post!