Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We're having a...........

We had our ultrasound appointment this morning!! We are having on the link to find out!

I'll give a more detailed blog post about our day when I have time. For right now, enjoy the video! July will be here before we know it!! Murphy, Lance and I can't wait to meet our little bundle of joy!!

Suzanne and Lance and Murphy too!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s so crazy to think that next Valentine’s day we’ll be celebrating with our little Popper! Lance and I have a funny relationship with Valentine’s day. We don’t hate the day, we just don’t do anything special. I guess it’s because since we starting dating in 2004, we’ve been able to go to nice dinners or travel whenever we felt like it and whenever we had the money. We didn’t need one day to do something special. Maybe after we have kids we’ll start celebrating with each other just because we won’t be able to do what we want when we want. Hahahaha We have definitely decided that when Popper is two or so, we’ll start some new family traditions. Ones that will probably involve baking heart shaped goodies,cards, candy etc. Celebrating Valentine’s Day with kids sounds like so much fun!

Our latest appointment was last week and thankfully, the baby and I are doing just fine. Last week when I was at the doctors I was 16 weeks, thus making me 17 weeks this week. 17 weeks. WOW! I can’t believe we got to 17 so quickly. I’m sure I’ll be thinking the same thing at week 40. Popper measured at about 4.5 inches last week and my handy dandy Mayo Clinic book tells me that at 16 weeks most babies are between 4 and 5 inches long. Perfect, right on schedule.

I lost another 3 lbs at my last check up, for a total of 15 lbs lost since November 21st! My doctor said that if I continue with my eating habits and exercise I could end up not gaining any weight this whole pregnancy. Well how sweet would that be? Sounds pretty fan-freaking-tastic to me. All this hard work is paying off, and will pay off the most when I deliver a healthy baby boy or girl.

Speaking of boy or girl……we weren’t able to find out last week if we were having a boy or girl. It was still too early to tell. I will say, we do have the best doctor ever, and he sure did give it the old college try. He tried from every angle possible, but it was just too early. We have a big ultrasound scheduled for February 29th, which is when I will be 19 weeks. The big ultrasound is with their fancy machines that will give us a great picture like the one I posted on January 20th. I am very much looking forward to February 29th, however, they require that I drink 24oz of water before the ultrasound. Drinking 24oz of water sounds doable until I realized that I have to be finished with my 24oz of water an hour and a half before my scheduled appointment. Then I have to wait for my appointment, have some technician push down on my bladder while trying to see Popper, all without peeing myself. Yep, should be a fun day indeed. They better have a bathroom very close to the ultrasound room! Thankfully there is a good payoff for holding all that water in my bladder for 2+ hours!

So, we’ll be leaping on leap day. Either for a boy or a girl we’ll soon find out. Everyone is pretty neutral so far on whether they want us to have a boy or a girl except for Auntie Cat. She wants Popper to be a boy; and she’s 100% sure it is. Popper, if you’re reading this one day and you turned out to be a girl, Auntie Cat will still love you, she’s just going to make sure you are a tomboy!



P.S. here is one of the best pictures of our latest ultrasound. Maybe you can tell if we are going to have a boy or a girl! :)