Thursday, June 28, 2012

Can't Sleep

4am blogging is not what I had in mind for today. I can't get my brain to shut off so after laying there for over an hour I decided to get up and do something useful. Like watching the news and blogging! :) I haven't real time blogged since Rachel was in the hospital, that was almost 2 years ago now!

I was actually sleeping well until 3:30 when I woke up having to use the bathroom. Which, if you've ever been pregnant before you know in these last few weeks happens at least once a night. If I make it through the night with only having to get up once to use the bathroom, I consider that a successful night! hahaha After I got up this morning to use the bathroom, my brain went into overdrive and sleep apparently was not on the list. I'm anxious for my appointment today. I've been trying to tell myself to relax but being that I'm up blogging right now, clearly, that's not working.

Today is our 36 week appointment, at our 34 week appointment we found out baby was breeched. I was totally bummed. She had been face down in the proper position for the last two and a half months and now as we approach her due date she flipped on us. My doctor told me that she needed to flip back by the 36 week appointment or we would need to discuss either planning for a c-section or planning to have him manually flip her. There is a another term for the manual flip, I just don't remember what it was. Anyway, I don't want either. Neither sounds fun. I'm horribly afraid of having surgery and the thought of my doctor putting his hands on my stomach and forcing her to flip makes me start sweating just thinking about it.

The day before our 34 week appointment Lance was outside grilling our dinner and I was in the kitchen stirring the rice. I looked down at my stomach, it was the weirdest thing to watch. My stomach looked like it was being taken over by and alien. Lance came in from outside and I told him to check it out and we watched her moving around making my stomach do some really weird looking things. It never occurred to us (hello! Clearly we are first time parents!) that she was moving out of position. We had never seen that before so we were pretty in awe. Well, the very next day our doctor was doing the ultrasound and was not happy when he couldn't find her head where it had been for the last 2 1/2 months.

My gut tells me she actually has moved back down into position but my head won't rest until I know for sure. I really hope my gut is right. On Father's day right before bed, she started moving like crazy again, creating another alien baby moment. The next day, and the days to follow, I've had a hard time walking after sitting for a long period of time. That was the same issue I was having when she was the correct position before. Those issues relieved themselves when she had breeched herself. We kept laughing every time I would get out of the car after our long drive home and I couldn't walk. I told Lance I really hope all this pain really does mean she is back in birthing position!

My in-laws come into town today for my baby shower on Saturday. I'm very excited to have them here, and I know they are very excited to see their future granddaughter! We haven't seen them (other than Skyping) since we told them we were pregnant at Christmas time. My stomach is much much bigger than it was at Christmas time! We will have great weather while they are here, though, I have the news on right now and they keep talking about the "heat wave" we are going to have this weekend. Apparently us SoCal residents think heat wave means 80 degrees because that's what we are going to have. I'm sure Ronnie and Sherry will very much enjoy our version of a heat wave especially since they live in Tucson. They know heat in Tucson!

Well, I better finish up here. I need to start getting ready for work and my appointment. I'm sure this afternoon I'm going to be a pregnant sleep deprived zombie. ha! Hopefully my next post will say baby girl is back and position and we are still on for a natural birth, that sure would make me one happy mama!!

P.S. Lance is my proof reader before I normally post my posts, but he's sleeping. So hopefully this post isn't a hot mess of grammatical and spelling errors! :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

35 week update

I posted a new post last night, so scroll down if you haven't read that one yet. Besides yesterday's update, the last time I updated I was 22 weeks and now I'm almost 36 weeks. Holy cow has time flown by! I can't believe I'm going to be 36 weeks already! About a month left!

These last 14 weeks have been crazy! I didn't know how I was going to survive May, but thankfully I did! Between working full time, taking two college classes and taking a million baby classes May was a month I would soon like to forget. Just looking at the month of May on my calendar seriously sent me into a panic. We had 3 doctor's appointments, I had class two nights a week, plus finals and we started our birthing classes and maternity ward tour. The stress had reached it's peak about mid way through May, but once my two finals were done, I felt like I could breathe again. And, I got good grades in both my classes so I was happy about that. I do remember a certain sister of mine (CAT!) saying I shouldn't take two classes this semester. Clearly, she has no faith in me! :)

We really did enjoy our maternity ward tour. We have two options of where we can give birth at. One of the hospitals is in Irvine and the other is in Anaheim. The Anaheim hospital is closer to us, but the Irvine hospital is much newer. The Anaheim hospital will actually be closing in September to move to their new hospital (still in Anaheim) so we wanted to take a peek at what the old Anaheim hospital looks like. The new Anaheim hospital is the one we go to every two weeks to have my check ups. It's really nice. I'm sure the maternity ward in that hospital is going to be awesome. But alas, baby girl is coming in July, not September. We actually really enjoyed the tour we took of the current Anaheim maternity ward. They really have kept it up and it is a really nice place. After doing our tour, we decided that Anaheim it would be. Plus, my doctor said he thought the staff was better at the Anaheim hospital so when it's time to give birth, that's where we'll be! On the tour we got to pick a little hat for our baby! A volunteer knitted them and each parent to be was able to pick one for their baby. Lance let me pick and of course I picked a super cute yellow one! I'll be sure to post a picture of her wearing her super cute hat. I think it's so nice that volunteers would make these hats for all the parents to be on the tours! It's such a nice thing to receive.

The birthing class we took were actually very good. It was a 5 week class that was held every Thursday from 6:30-9pm every week. After a full day of working from 7-5 then hopping on the freeway for an hour and a half drive to the class, to then be in class until 9pm, we were pretty much over it by the time our 5 week class was up. We learned a ton in these classes which was great. Now if we can avoid a c-section all these classes wouldn't have been for nothing! One of the things we did learn was that by now, we should already have our bags packed for the hospital. Um, ya, we are 4 weeks away and we still haven't packed our bags yet. hahaha Maybe this weekend!

All of my appointments in May went really well. My glucose levels are still staying normal (knock on wood) and my blood pressure is remaining perfect and I'm still in the negative for my weight. I'll take it. I really have been super blessed during this pregnancy. No morning sickness, no heartburn, no swelling, I'm losing weight, the baby is doing great and I'm able to sleep at night. Can't ask for much more than that!

More updates to come. I have a bunch of pictures to share from 2 of the showers we've had so far, pictures from our 4D ultra sound and pictures from us getting her nursery ready. So many fun things left to share!!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

One Month To Go!

I wanted to do a quick post tonight since we are exactly one month away from our due date. I can't believe it!! Where have these last 35 weeks gone? I thought for sure by the time we reached the 4 week countdown I would be starting to panic, but I am surprisingly far. haha I'm more panicked about work and being gone for 4 months. The amount of work I have left to do before I go out on maternity is absolutely crazy. If all goes well, I plan on working until July 19th. If she actually comes on July21st then bonus. If she comes later (which Wendy will not be happy about! haha) then I'll just be at home waiting for her to arrive. Lance plans on taking at least a week off after the baby is born so he'll be going to work until after the 19th until I call him (if he's at work) and tell him it's go time. Hopefully baby girl won't decide to come during rush hour while Lance is at work! :)

I have a bunch of posts I still need to finish which hopefully will happen this weekend. Here is the latest picture of me taken on Father's Day.

Everyone keeps saying my baby bump is so small, which makes me laugh. I sure don't feel like it's so small when I'm trying to turn over in bed, or when I'm trying to get out of a chair! I do feel very lucky at how this pregnancy has gone. One might call it an easy peasy pregnancy, but I don't want to jinx myself, I still have 4 weeks left! 

More posts coming soon!