Saturday, April 18, 2009

7 days to go......

One day at work Wendy was telling me how she wanted to go to Vegas so Suzy could do the Richard Petty Driving Experience. When she was telling me all about it I knew that was totally something Lance would want to do. So Wendy and I found a game show template on line that was just like the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire show. We added a bunch of questions that would lead them to the grand prize of going to Vegas to do the driving experience. It was so much fun to create the game show with Wendy, and even cooler to see their expressions when they realized what they would be doing. We do a lot with Wendy and Suzy and we love them dearly, and this trip to Vegas with them was so much fun!

That's Lance in his uniform and this is Lance car and he's actually driving it! This was a great Vegas weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

9 days to go......

Wow! We are in the single digits. I really did try to make all the decisions over the last year and a half, but my oh my, so many things have to be done just a few days before. I've also been really sick the last few days as Lance mentioned in his post. He did such a good job. I was completely surprised! I took a half day that Monday because I was feeling so horrible and when I got home he said read the blog. I got all teary eyed and then he said, "are you crying??!!?? Why are you crying??!!!" hahahaha 

Alright, I already feel like I'm rambling which means the nyquil is starting to kick in, so lets get on with the post.

I am so excited to officially have a husband in 9 days. I really am. Some people never get married because they say they don't need the piece of paper. Well I do. I want it to be official. I know we are going to have the cutest most adorable family ever! I mean really, look how cute and adorable our first child is.

I love these two. They both make laugh all the time. And they have both taken such great care of me while I've been sick!

I've been praying like mad that Lance doesn't get sick. I know I have time to recover before the wedding, but he might run out of time to get better before then. And that would just make me really really sad. So we aren't even going to think about that!

Now, I'm going to bed, and I'm going to make Lance drink some more airborne!

Monday, April 13, 2009

12 days to go.....

Hey there everyone, it's Lance! So you may have noticed that we skipped a few days in posting. Suzanne has been really tired and not feeling well. She just didn't have the energy to do some posts over the weekend. Well that's why I decided to take over today's post and let you all know how much I love HER. Since she has done the last 34 or so posts about how much she loves me, I should probably write one about her right? 

Well anyways to start off she cared enough to write a little blurb everyday for 50 days about some of our past fun experiences. I hope everyone has had fun reading them because I know that I have. I have learned a bit too hahahh!

She is always there to encourage me when times are tough. Especially this past year when I was laid off. I'm still searching for a decent job and she tells me everyday good luck. She works her butt off each week and it would be easy for her to just say 'hurry up and find a job' but she always has a word of encouragement. 

As I look back on our relationship I always remember the times that we shared new experiences with each other and how fun they are. It's great when neither of us has done a certain thing and we are both able to say 'wow that was so much fun!' ...and to see her smile is great too. Here is one of those times. We have been to countless Angel games together and last year our friends Wendy and Suzy were able to let us help out with the unveiling of the flag on the 4th of July at the game! This picture is of us on the field right before the unveiling.   

We had to kind of take this picture really quickly because I don't think we were supposed to be taking pictures. We had such a great time and I had such a fun time with Suzanne. 

I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend my life with and I am thankful that we will be getting married in 12 days! I love you Suzanne!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

16 days to go......

It's with a heavy heart that I blog today about the death of the Angel's pitcher Nick Adenhart. Nick was only 22 years old and had such a promising career ahead of him.

I got to see Nick pitch when we were in Arizona for Spring Training. He did awesome and I was really looking forward to him becoming one of our starting pitchers. When we were there on Opening Day and they announced his name, he ran out onto the field to give everyone their high fives. I remember thinking, man, Nick must be so excited right now to finally have made it to the big leagues where he's going to become a star. Then just a few short hours after pitching a wonderful game where he pitched 6 innings giving up 0 runs, a drunk driver takes his life. How senseless.

Lance and I talked last night about going to tonight's game, but the Angels just cancelled it. I don't blame them. How are his teammates going to play tonight? It would be just too hard.

Wendy and Suzy are friends with Nick's cousin Carla. I hope and pray that Carla and her family are doing as well as can be expected during this really difficult time.

Sports Illustrated has an article about Nick here if you would like to read it.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

17 days to go....

Sorry I'm going to miss tonight. It's been a long day and I'm tired. 17 days though....I'm getting excited!

Love, Suzanne

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

18 days to go.....

**Angels won their Opening Day game yesterday!! Yippee!!**

Only 18 more days to go. Is everyone ready? I know I am! In today's post, we will be visiting New Zealand....yes, again! I'm pretty sure I am almost done with NZ posts though!

When in NZ we stopped by the Auckland Zoo. One of the first exhibits we saw was the kiwi exhibit. I was excited to see exactly what the heck a kiwi was. Kiwi's are so popular in NZ, they even call themselves Kiwi's. They have pictures of them everywhere. All over the island. On money, in stores on buildings. Everywhere. Well now, we were going to have our first encounter with a real life kiwi. We headed into this room that lead us into a cave where all of a sudden about 2 steps in I realized I couldn't see anything. It was like instantly going blind. I stopped dead in my tracks and then I hear Lance say, "I can't see anything." It was so dark you couldn't see shadows, or even your hand in front of your face. I was so freaked out I didn't even want to move. I was so afraid I was going to fall! I kept asking Lance where the heck were the kiwi's and why was it so darn dark in there! I started giggling uncontrollably because I was so nervous ( I really don't like not being able to see what's going on. Hopefully I'll never know what it's like to be blind because I'm going to make a very bad blind person!). We were finally in front of this glass wall that had the faintest red light behind it. Somewhere in the rocks and grass was a stinking kiwi. Apparently kiwi's are nocturnal. Hence the can't see anything in front of you cave that we had just walked into.

We never saw a real live kiwi in the dark cave. I could have avoided the whole thing and just looked at it's picture! But, then I wouldn't have the wonderful memory of Lance and I both laughing so hard at how dark it was in there. Luckily we made it out before anyone else came in or we may have accidentally run into them. This cave would be SO against the law here in the U.S. I don't see how they were getting away with it in NZ.

Here is a picture from that day at the zoo. We both really liked that zoo and had a great time seeing all the cool animals!


Monday, April 6, 2009

19 days to go.....

The teens are upon us. I'm getting excited. I still can't believe we are so close. A year and 4 months of planning. It seemed like forever away and now, it's here. Crazy!

Today, even though I'm obviously in love with Lance, I'm going to write about my love for baseball. I heart baseball! And today friends, is Opening Day. I'm going to make it a goal of mine for next year to take Opening Day off. To sleep in, wake up with the sun shinning through my blinds. Sit up in bed, take a deep breath and think, it's Opening Day. I've always loved April. Maybe that's why I was hell bent on getting married during the month. So I can celebrate our anniverary with a baseball game. Ok, who am I kidding, we go to baseball games when we have nothing to celebrate!

My parents started taking us to baseball games when we were very young, and we've been hooked ever since. We grew up supporting both the Angels and the Dodgers and I even wanted to marry Mike Piazza when I was in Jr. High. Ah, those were the days when the players were older than me. Now, I watch the games and these guys are 21 and 22 years old. Um, how did that happen??? =)

I'm leaving work early today, so I can get dressed up in my red Angels gear, grab a beer and a hot dog, get to my seat and watch the Opening Day festivities. There's just something refreshing about Opening Day. Maybe it's the thought of summer right around the corner. The hot days, and cool nights at the ball park.

I heart you baseball. I'm glad you're back!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

20 days to go......

I love Lance because when I woke up one Friday morning and said, "I've been doing research online and I have found an orchard to go to where we can pick apples," his next sentence wasn't, "Have you lost your mind!". Yikes, if that wasn't the longest run on sentence ever!
We had so much fun going to this farm and picking apples! Since it's spring, I'm going to be checking out their website to see what we can go pick next. After the wedding of course! Right now I'm too busy picking food and linen colors and DJ songs etc.! 

I can't believe tomorrow we are in the teens.......I may just throw up! =) j/k


Saturday, April 4, 2009

21 days to go........

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! I love the BBQ's, the baseball, the fireworks and the long days of summer! 4th of July 2004 was the first time Lance met my family. Well, he already knew Cat, but on that day, he got to meet the rest of them. I was nervous to take him to meet my parents because I didn't bring too many boys on by to meet them. Of course everything went well and we had a great night. July 4th became our official dating anniversary. This July 4th will be 5 years together for us. Time flys when you're having fun that's for sure. I can't believe it's already been 5 years and we are finally getting married!

I'm so excited to enter year 5 as Lance's wife. It's going to be awesome!

July 4th, 2006


Friday, April 3, 2009

22 days to go.....

New Zealand was totally our Amazing Race adventure. We had actually seen on Amazing Race the contestants do a challenge where they got to Zorb. Zorbing was created in New Zealand and since that's where we were, zorbing is what we did.

I had been emailing the owner of a Zorbing place before we left and when we got there, he gave us a smokin deal! Zorbing is one of the coolest things ever! It was such an adrenalin rush, but it was also safe.....sort of!

The first time I went down in the Zorb I was by myself in the ball.

Going by yourself is safe. The next time we went up, they talked us into going down in the ball together. It was so much fun, just slightly more dangerous! hahaha You have no control in that ball as it travels down this course. We went slamming into each other the whole way down. It was hilarious! I thought at one point I had broken my little toe because things got so rough in there, but we really did have such a great time.

This picture was taken after all the Zorbing fun! We had asked the guy when or if they were ever going to open a Zorb place in the U.S. He said probably not since Americans sue everyone. He said trying to get insurance in the U.S. for Zorbing was going to cost more than they would ever make. Bummer! I still hear every once in awhile that they may put one in Tennessee. If that ever happens, we are so going to Tennessee to do some Zorbing!

So, pack your bags and get your little bottoms to New Zealand! It's an awesome place!


23 days to go.......

I missed another blog post, goodness, how do you people put up with me! =) Oh well, I'm going to work on day 22 right now, so I will be posting a real post shortly!

I just had to post this. He's so darn cute!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

24 days to go........

I love Hawaii! In fact, I really wish I was there right now!

Ryan and Emma were married in Maui in January 2007, and you sure didn't have to ask me twice to come along! I loved Ryan and Emma's wedding. It was beautiful. About half way through planning this big wedding, I started thinking, why the hell didn't I do a destination wedding! =) hahahaha That was just the stress talking. This week I'm thinking the court house looks wonderful! If you get a text from us in the next couple of weeks that says "702" that's code for meet us in Vegas, we are getting hitched! LOL I'm just kidding. I've enjoyed it all. The planning, the meetings, the decision making. I'm sure I'll miss it when it's done. At least that's what people are telling me. I think they are just trying to talk me back from the ledge! ;-)

I thought I should let you all know that I am enjoying the experience and I am still glad I'm having a big wedding. Because let me tell you, if it all comes together it is going to be freaking fabulous....if I don't say so myself! I know these last two blog posts have been short and stress filled; and you can probably tell I have way too much to do, but it will all be over in 24 days. Lance and I will have to figure out what the heck we are going to talk about when it's all over. We've been talking wedding stuff for a year and four months. Yikes! hahahaha

This picture was taken on the beach that Ryan and Emma got married on. It was such a gorgeous day. Look how cute they look!

I didn't ask them permission to post a picture of them on my blog. I hope they don't mind. They wouldn't sue me right??? I'm family. Shoot...I'm not family for 24 more days. Can you please hold off on the law suit? It's a really good picture! And I didn't draw bunny ears or a tail or anything! And I really loved your wedding! ;-) Plus, my millions and millions of readers need to know who Ryan and Emma are! Now you'll be famous! The end. Please don't sue.


P.S. I just realized this blog has nothing to do with why I love Lance...hhmm....I love Lance because he has an awesome family. I truly can not wait to officially become a Nowell!