Friday, March 16, 2012

More Appointment Info

I did an update yesterday so if you haven’t scrolled down yet, make sure you go back and check that post out. I know I don’t normally post two days in a row so I didn’t want to throw everyone off!

Since our leap day appointment we had another regularly scheduled appointment with my OB. The only issue I have with my OB is that he is a huge Yankees fan. Hahahaha Baseball season is amongst us so you know the trash talking has begun! Other than that little fault, I really like him. He seems to really know his stuff and always give us all the time we need to ask all of our questions. I know this guy saw NEW PARENTS written all over our face when we walked into his office back in November. He hasn’t had to grab us by the shoulders yet and tell us to snap out of it so that’s good. We must not be freaking out too bad!

My appointments have been going really well. Thank goodness! My sugar levels continue to remain consistent and my blood pressure has been outstanding! I have read a bunch of information that says during your second trimester it goes down but should return to normal in the third trimester. I am still carefully watching my diet and exercising so I hope that when I hit the third trimester my blood pressure continues to stay normal. I know swelling and discomfort are part of the deal with being pregnant but I really don’t want swelling or discomfort! I mean really, who does? However, if walking or riding my spinning bike helps with the swelling and discomfort, you’ll find me on the track or walking my neighborhood! I can just hear all you moms out there laughing at me. Saying, she thinks she’ll be out there in the 9th month! Hahaha
At the appointment before the leap day appointment, I had gained two pounds and I figured here is where the baby and all the extra blood and fluids I’m carrying were going to start to outweigh my good food choices and exercise. But then at my latest appointment I had lost 4 lbs! Yay!

My doctor had looked over all the ultrasound pictures that were taken the week before and said that everything looked good and that our little girl was growing and developing very well. He also said the latest results to our disabilities screening had come back and everything looked normal there too. We sure do like hearing such great news. Keep the good news coming!!

This Sunday we start week 22! I have already started to feel the flutters I was told would be coming. I normally only feel them when I’m sitting at my desk at work. They aren’t strong enough to feel while I’m walking or moving around. The other day I was sitting at my desk at work and she must have given me a huge kick or punch because it was the strongest one I had felt yet and it totally caught my attention. I immediately emailed Lance telling him about it! I can’t wait until she’s kicking and moving and he can feel it. Every night before we go to bed he lies right next to my stomach and talks to her. He always tries to get her to kick me, but so far she hasn’t done it on command. Last night he was encouraging her to kick me and he was waiting patiently trying to feel any movement, but she wasn’t going for it. As soon as I turned over she began kicking. I started laughing and told Lance that she was already toying with him! Hahaha She is so going to rule this household.

Lance has continued to be awesome and has continued to be the rock I need at times. Going through all of this with him has really made it so much easier on me. For that I am truly grateful! He has really picked up a lot of the things I used to do around the house since I have school two days a week and when I’m not in school, I feel like I’m always walking. Just knowing that things are getting done really does take a bunch of stress out of my life. I really do have the best husband ever!

This is the latest picture of our baby girl. Even though this isn't a high resolution shot, we are starting to see more features especially on her face. In case you can't tell what you're looking at, she's laying on her side, and her head is on the right of the picture. She is laying on her hand.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Popper Update

Well I hope everyone enjoyed watching the video!! If you haven’t figured it out yet….we are having a baby girl!! We couldn’t be happier! We didn’t really have a preference on whether we wanted a boy or a girl, just a healthy baby will do us just fine. But, now we know what we are in for. Pink, butterflies, princesses and more pink! And of course a bunch of baseball stuff too, she’s not going to be totally girly!! Hahahaha

Our appointment was on leap day and I had been dreading the 24oz of water I had to drink an hour before my 7:30am appointment. It actually wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I drank the water no problem, it was only right at my appointment time that I really needed to use the rest room. Luckily though I only had to wait a few minutes into the appointment before the technician let me use the restroom. Yay! I guess they needed to take a few ultrasound pictures with my bladder full, then she was able to let me go to the bathroom and she could take the rest of the pictures with a empty bladder. They wouldn’t let Lance come back with me at first so I was back there while she was taking all the ultrasound pictures while he was waiting in the waiting room. I don’t think he liked that very much especially since I was back there for about 30 minutes or so before they came and got him. Once they brought him back he totally gave me the stink eye trying to figure out if I knew if we were having a boy or a girl. I started laughing and told him right away he could stop trying to read my face to determine if it was a boy or a girl because I didn’t know. The whole time the tech was taking all the ultrasound pictures she didn’t have the screen facing me at all. I couldn’t see anything. Once Lance was in the room the tech turned the screen towards us and we could see our little Popper! This kid really tried to make sure that we were going to leave there not knowing if it was a boy or a girl. She was all over the place. She was doing cartwheels and summersaults and handstands. The tech kept saying to me, can you feel that, she is kicking you with both feet. Hahaha Unfortunately I couldn’t, but I really wanted to be able to! Though in a few months I might be begging this child to stop kicking me for just a few hours so I can sleep!

Every time the tech tried to get a shot between the legs she would move her position. Finally, after about 10 more minutes of trying to get a shot, she gave us a quick peak. The tech said, see that line right there, with the three lines in it? That means your baby is a girl. Lance and I were shocked. I literally looked at the tech and said seriously? It’s a girl? Here is why we were so shocked. My OB that we see every two weeks told us about a month ago we were having a boy. We get an ultrasound every two weeks when we go to see him and he showed us why he thought it was a boy and hey, I couldn’t disagree with him, it looked like a boy to me. We had a month to digest the fact that we were going to have a boy and now we are being told, nope, it’s actually a girl. We weren’t disappointed, just shocked. I think I was more shocked than Lance was. I’m pretty sure the tech was tired of me asking, really, a girl? Are you sure it’s a girl? Hahahaha I actually had an ultrasound picture with me from our last visit with our doctor where it seriously looked like boy parts. She looked at the picture and said, she wasn’t sure what that was, but it wasn’t boy parts. I will say that the ultrasound our doctor uses every two weeks is a portable machine that is definitely not as good of quality as the one we used on leap day, so I am very much trusting that machine more than the portable one. Though I swear on everything holy that if I go through the next few months thinking we are having a girl and then I deliver a boy, I am going to go kung fu crazy on someone. It’s a crazy emotional rollercoaster! I had already started calling the baby the boys name we had picked out! hahaha I’m very confident though that it’s a girl now though. We’ve had another ultrasound since then and now my doctor is convinced it’s a girl too. So that’s good!

We made two videos, one for a boy and one for a girl. Lance did a really great job! He did all the work and he was so convinced as well we were having a boy that he almost didn’t make a girl video. The night before we were to have our appointment, he showed me his final boy video and I said that I loved it and could I see the final girl video. I received a blank stare and he said that he didn’t do a girl video. This is how sure we were people!!! I started laughing and said well what the heck are we going to do if it’s a girl tomorrow? He quickly made the girl video and low and behold, that’s the one we needed! Thank goodness he made that video!

We made cupcakes the night before for all of our co-workers at work. We decided we would make cupcakes with white frosting and then put pink sprinkles if it was a girl, or blue sprinkles if it was a boy. The cupcakes with pink sprinkles were a big hit and a fun way to let everyone know we would be welcoming a baby girl in July!!
Here is a high resolution shot of Popper from the ultrasound appointment on the leap day. She is getting so big!
