Sunday, September 30, 2012

2 Month Appointment

Last Friday was Belle's 2 month appointment. We knew when we got there she was going to get her 2 month shots which I was mentally trying to prepare myself for.

We had a new parent fail moment when we dressed her that morning. We dressed her in an outfit that was difficult to put on and get off. If we would have been thinking we would have remembered that when we get there we have to completely undress her. Duh! We will not make that mistake again.

She weighed in at 9 lbs and 12 oz. I was hoping for 10 lbs but at least she weighed more than when I had her weighed on the 17th. Since she was born she's been stuck on the 15th percentile line for weight. I would like to see her get a little higher than 15 but she has not dipped at all so the pediatrician is not concerned. I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing and she'll grow at her own pace. Her head and height both come in at the 50th percentile, so she is exactly average for both of those.

When they gave her the 3 shots they had me lay her down on the table and then they gave her one shot in one thigh and two shots in the other thigh. Nobody should be shocked to know that I cried along with her. LOL she actually did really well after they gave her the shots. She screamed bloody murder during them, but she did calm down quickly after them which is good. Looks like all of her future appointments will require more shots for the time being. Poor baby. I know they are necessary, I just wish there was an easier way. She's going to hate going to the doctor because every time she goes she gets poked!

Overall her appointment went really well and the pediatrician said everything looks good. The pediatrician also mentioned how cute she is! We tend to agree with that assessment!!

Love, Suzanne

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