Monday, November 19, 2012

3 Month Birthday Letter

Dear Belle,
Happy 3 month birthday! I know I'm extremely late on writing and publishing your 3 month birthday letter, but I had to write a paper for school and finish up a bunch of other homework, take a bunch of tests and before I knew it, the 27th had come and gone. Don't worry, it won't be the last time I'm late on one of my letters to you, but I'll get it done. I enjoy writing them as much as I hope one day you enjoy reading them.

This month had a few more firsts for you! You started tracking things with your eyes. If we put a rattle or some other object in front of your face, you will follow it if we move it slowly from one side to the other. This has it's pros and cons. You've also started tracking me as I try to sneak out of your room after putting you down for a nap. When you were younger, I could put you down and sneak out. Now when you see me leave, you start crying. It's not too bad though, you are a pretty good napper. Though at the beginning of the month you would cry when you thought you were about to go down for a nap, now you've calmed down and go down pretty easily. I would always talk to you when you were crying because you were about to go down and mention that one day you're going to want to take naps and not have time to! :) You've been a bit challenging with your night sleeping this month however. Your first month you got up A LOT to feed. Your second month you really only got up once in the middle of the night and then again around 6:30am or 7am to start your day. Your third month of life however, you reverted back to getting up A LOT to feed. This made for some extremely long days for your mama. I am really surprised how the human body can function without sleep. Since I'm writing this so late in your third month, I can happily say you've gone back to being a decent night sleeper. Thank goodness! I still get giddy thinking about the day you'll sleep from 8pm until 8am. Giddy I tell you, giddy! Some  say I'll have to wait until you're a teenager for that to happen. Um no. I need that to happen before you're a teenager!

This month you've also started grabbing things and being able to hold them in your hand. It was been such a pleasure to watch you develop your fine motor skills. I've been able to watch you try to grab your rattles or toys to being able to. You've also discovered your hands. I really wish we would have been able to get that on video! The look on your face when you realized your hands were attached to your body was hilarious. You have been putting your hands in your mouth the last couple of months but now you know they are your hands. And oh my goodness do you love putting your hands in your mouth. It's hard to get a picture of you with your hands not in your mouth!

Your dad and I talk all the time how big you are getting. You are growing leaps and bounds and on October 24th you were 10 lbs 13 oz! Not only are your growing in size but in your development as well. Everyday you amaze us with your ability. At least once a day your dad and I say in amazement to each other, did you see what she just did??

We are so blessed to call you our baby. You really are a good and happy baby and we love you so much!
 Love, Mom and Dad
P.S. It took me two days and a million pictures to get a good one. You were being so stubborn during this photo shoot. Most of the pictures were of you putting your dress in your mouth and sucking on it or not looking at the camera. The picture below pretty much sums up what you thought of taking the picture this month. You silly kid!

1 comment:

Nana and Papa said...

Nana and Papa love you so much, pretty Isabelle!