Tuesday, November 27, 2012

4 Month Birthday Letter

Dear Belle,
I pretty much have been dreading your 4 month letter since the day you were born. I knew your 4 month birthday letter would coincide with me going back to work. Well, here it is. Mommy goes back to work tomorrow. You'll get to spend the next month with your daddy. Oh what fun you are going to have. You love your daddy so much and he loves you. I know he's a little nervous about being your primary care giver so it's ok to go a little easy on him....just not too easy, we don't want dad to think the last 4 months has been a cake walk for mom! :)

This last month we have really watched you grow. Not just physically, but mentally too. This month, you started laughing out loud and we have loved every minute of it. Your dad and grandpa love giving your raspberries on your stomach and we all get to enjoy you laughing when they do this. You will also smile back at us when we smile at you. You have one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen sweet Belle. Please never stop smiling. Every time you smile at us it makes our day! You have also started grabbing onto your toys and holding them yourself. It's been really awesome to watch you discover your toys and figure out how they work.

You also rolled over from your back onto your stomach this month. At week 7 you could go from your stomach to your back, but going the other way took some time and some more strength. You sure do have it down now. At first it would happen when you would rock back and forth. Now, you can roll over in a quick motion, and bam, you're back on your stomach. Your dad and I missed it the first time you did it. We put you on your play mat on your back and walked in the kitchen to get some breakfast. A minute later we both turned the corner and there you were smiling at us with that toothless grin on your stomach.

I'm not sure if all babies are as flexible as you but holy cow, you are flexible. You use your big toe just like you do your thumb. It's your second favorite thing to suck on, the first being your thumb. It's pretty amazing to see your toe go right into your mouth with ease. Such a sweet, funny baby you are!

This month you also had your first hotel stay. You did great. We went down to San Diego for a night figuring if you had a complete meltdown, we were close enough we could just drive you home to the comforts of your own bed. We shouldn't have been worried though, you really are the best flow with the punches baby ever. You adapt to every situation we put you in.

As I sit here and write up all the wonderful things you've accomplished this month, all I can really think about is how much I have loved the first 4 months with you. There is a Carter's Clothes commercial on right now where this little girl is talking to her mother and she says, "I'll be honest, the first night home was a doozy. But soon you got the hang of it, and I got the hang of it." This commercial made me laugh out loud and cry at the same time. I couldn't have said it better myself, though I think if you could talk right now, you'd probably say the first month was a doozy. I'd probably have to agree. I can't believe how far we've come kiddo. You were only 10 days old when everyone went back to work or went home and then it was just me and you. Thankfully, your grandma came over to help the next 3 weeks and then we were really on our own. We had our good days and our not so good days, but we still survived each and every day. There were days we would laugh together, cry together and fell asleep together. We studied together, sang together (well, you babbled), and played together. But the best part of our 4 months together, was loving each other together. You taught me a lot, and hopefully I taught you a lot. I've had a job since I was 17. Sometimes two jobs at one time, but being a mother to a newborn was one of the toughest things I have ever done. Looking at your now, I can smile through my tears and know that I did a good job. You made it easy though. You are the perfect baby. I love you Isabelle. Returning to work was a tough decision and one that I wish didn't have to be made. But for the next month, you'll be with your daddy, have the time of your life. I  can't wait to see what kind of trouble you two get into!

Mom and Dad

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