Thursday, December 27, 2012

5 Month Birthday Letter

Dear Belle,
Happy 5 month birthday!!! This month has been such a fun one! You spent the last month during the week with your daddy. He sure did take really good care of you while mama was at work. Mom knew what she was doing when she said "I do" didn't she!! That first day back to work was a tough one for me. I cried all the way into work, but by the time I got there, I was doing better. Mama works with such awesome people and they all made sure I was doing ok on my first day away from my baby. :) I tried not to call your dad too much on that first day, I didn't want him to be sick of me already! Your first day together according to dad was a little rough. hahaha I think you both just needed a day to figure each other out. I do know that when I got home that first night, I got a really big hug from daddy. I think he was really glad to see me that night! You both had a great month though. You really did get to bond with your daddy and he with you. It is clear to me that you are definitely going to be a daddy's girl. Starting with the night I went back to work, you started sleeping through the night. You no longer needed that 2am or 3am feeding. Since I was going back to work, your dad would have been the one to get up and feed you. But he never needed to. Your dad had to go back to work for one day so he would get paid for the holiday shutdown; since he had to go back for a day, I took the day off to stay home with you. Guess who woke up at 2am that morning to request a feeding?!?!? HHMM who could that be? What's up with that kiddo? hahaha you sleep through the night for your daddy but not me? Is that how it's going to be? Actually, it's just a sign you are getting older. I love watching you get older, but it makes me so sad at the same time.

This month you started holding your bottle on your own while you are eating. You started doing this on my first day back at work. Dad sent me a video of you holding your own bottle that I watched on my phone at work and I couldn't believe it. I had only been gone for 4 hours and you were already holding your bottle all by yourself. Such a big girl! You are also no longer using your swaddle and you are putting yourself to sleep. We started sleep training with you and you are doing really well. You are learning how to put yourself to sleep and sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night, you put yourself back to sleep instead of needing a feeding, or needing mom or dad to help you get back to sleep. The hope is that when you become a toddler, you'll be a great sleeper. That's the goal. We decided to stop swaddling you because basically, you don't stop moving. You started to flip yourself over on your stomach while swaddled and it just wasn't safe anymore. Your first few naps and nights of sleep were a little rough without the swaddle, but soon you adapted to being without it.

This month we were able to celebrate Christmas with you. It was your first Christmas and I think you really enjoyed it. You weren't that interested in the presents or the wrapping paper but you still had fun watching everyone open their presents. For only being 5 months old, everyone sure did spoil you rotten. I have a feeling that's not going to stop anytime soon.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. You really are the perfect baby. We are so lucky with how easy going you are and how adaptable you've been with everything we've thrown your way. In the next few months you'll be starting daycare. I'm sure you don't have any anxiety about it yet, but I sure do. I'm not sure why I do because I know you'll do great. The nice thing is that Mom and Dad will only be a few minutes walk away. Now your silly parents just have to figure out how we get ourselves ready along with getting you fed and ready and in the car and off to work/daycare. The first few days will probably be a little stressful, but we'll all get the hang of it.

Happy birthday sweet baby girl. Every day you get cuter and cuter, I can't even imagine what the next months will bring. How can you get any cuter??

Love, Mom and Dad

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